Up to the Moon!


Up to the Moon! is the first in a series of four children's adventure books.

In the series, My You is a child who prepares for bed and then goes on adventures. In Up to the Moon, My You travels with a cat and a guardian in a spaceship called a squink. On the moon, they meet a marshmallow bink, some wiggles and a snoring danicus aquaticus in the Deep Sleeping Dream Sea. Their squink gets stuck in the moon pie, but the wiggles and bink free the ship, and My You and the crew fly back home to earth.

On their way home, they see space junk that they clean up with their space claw, and they also see that earth's ice is melting. They land safely in bed making wishes before sleep, and the characters for the next adventure are on the last page of the book inviting the readers into their next adventure.

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